The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

April 01, 2004

Gulland Family Happenings

Hello to everyone! The week has definitely gone by quickly. I can't believe that it is almost the weekend and that the last time I wrote was last Sunday. YIKES!!!

We are keeping ourselves occupied here at the Gulland household. Ed loves his job at Wells Fargo as an operations analyst. His latest endeavor around the house has been to paint and decorate since we have decided to stay here for the next three years rather than moving into a larger home. We are in the process of refinancing our home loan. If you haven't thought about it, and think it would be worthwhile for you, you might want to check it out. The rates are really good! We can always give you the number of the banker we are using in downtown Minneapolis. She and her assistant have been FABULOUS!

I am working about eight hours a week at Helzberg Diamonds. I LOVE IT!!! If you want to just come in and check out our merchandise, I would be happy to show it to you. I would also be happy to clean your jewelry for you!! I clean my ring all the time when I am working. It is so nice and sparkly!! :-)

I also work every other Wednesday in the Little Church ministry at our church, Living Word Christian Center. (You can check out the latest happenings at our church online at I teach the three year old classroom. Last night I was teaching the three year olds at church, and I kept saying, "Grace, Lord, Grace." Why? Because there were twenty-seven three year olds in my classroom!! It was crazy and hard to control at times, but a lot of fun! The best thing was when I was collecting the offering. I asked why do we collect offering. A little girl in my class raised her hand and said, "So that other people can hear the Gospel." Now that is what makes teaching (even with all the chaos) worthwhile!

David is getting more inquisitive and talktative with each new day. It amazes me how quickly he learns things. His favorite thing right now is anything that has to do with cars or trucks. Last weekend, he sat in my lap during part of the Nascar race and said "Come on cars!" as they were going around the track. He actually sat in my lap for almost thirty minutes watching the cars go round and round!

I should close for now. I have a Bible study group that meets at 1:00 pm. I have a few errands to run as well as a few things to do around the house before I leave. Take care of yourselves and let us know if there is anything we can pray about for you.