The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

August 29, 2005

On The Road Again

It seems like we just got back from vacation, but David and I are gearing up to leave for a mini-trip to Texas. We are leaving Friday evening and coming home on Monday evening. David is going to get to see his Auntie Jessica and Uncle Chris. Plus, he gets to play with cousin Maggie (this is Chris and Jessica's dog). Maggie was officially our dad's first grandbaby!

Auntie has lots of cool things planned for us to do while we are down there. When I get back, I will have to share photos and tips for those of you who plan on visiting the Houston, Texas area. I am going to get one of those disposable cameras that will give me a CD of pictures when I get them developed, so I can post pictures online. We have a scanner, but I don't want to hassle with that if I don't have to. The scanner is downstairs in our garage office while the computer is upstairs. I guess I am all about convenience. :-)

Until next time, be blessed and let God's grace, mercy, and love touch your life!


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