Baby Knoblauch Has Arrived!

Baby Knoblauch has arrived. The Knoblauchs are not only our friends, but they are also our realtors. Mark helped us sell our home in Brooklyn Park when we moved to Tulsa, OK. Mark and Jennette both helped us purchase our townhouse when we returned to Minnesota.
Claire Anne was born on Thursday, January 5th. Mark says that she has more hair than he does. This is Mark and Jennette's first baby. Welcome Claire Anne!
Before I forget, Mark and Jennette were married in June of 2001. When we attended Mark and Jennette's wedding, we had just found out that we were pregnant with David. Such happy memories! :-)
Congratulations again to Mark and Jennette! Enjoy every moment because before you know it, Claire will be almost four like David. Ed and I were just talking this morning about how we can vividly remember every detail surrounding the arrival of David like it was yesterday. We cannot believe that he will be four on February 26th.
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