Hello friends and family!
Because people are anonymously posting to my blog and leaving comments like BBBBBBBBLLLLLAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH in regards to the birth of my friends' second child and the comments that I left anonymous about there original response, I have changed my blog. You are still welcome to post to my blog. However, I will have the ability to publish or reject your comments.
This blog was created with the intention of sharing life events with my friends and family. I realize that because it is on the internet that anyone can get to it. However, I would hope if someone was going to post comments like this anonymous person has that they would actually say who they are.
Just to reiterate, I am not saying that one lifestyle is better than the other. I am not saying that if you don't have kids you are not worthwhile. I am not saying that being a homemaker is the only way to go. It is simply a choice that I have made with my family and many of my friends have made with their families. However, I don't think that that one of the choices in this life: married or single, kids or no kids, stay-at-home mom, working mom, work-at-home mom are better than the others. It simply depends on you and what is best for your life and your family.
For me and my family, no other choice makes sense. Our family was simply not happy, at peace or not functioning well when I returned to work. I have recently decided to start an at home business. This works for my family because my schedule is flexible, and I am the boss. If I can't work one day, it is my decision to make. I do not have to get permission from a boss.
To the anonymous person who keeps commenting: I have meant no offense. I simply use this blog to share what God is doing in my life and the lives of my friends and family. I am sorry that this seems to bother you. All I can say is that God loves you very much. I also don't mind a difference of opinion from mine, but if you are going to have a difference of opinion don't be afraid to say who you are and stand up for your opinion. From the posts that you have left on my blog, I get the feeling that you have been deeply hurt. God can feel your pain, and He wants you to come to Him with your hurt, your sorrow, your broken dreams. His arms are opened wide to you.
Because people are anonymously posting to my blog and leaving comments like BBBBBBBBLLLLLAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH in regards to the birth of my friends' second child and the comments that I left anonymous about there original response, I have changed my blog. You are still welcome to post to my blog. However, I will have the ability to publish or reject your comments.
This blog was created with the intention of sharing life events with my friends and family. I realize that because it is on the internet that anyone can get to it. However, I would hope if someone was going to post comments like this anonymous person has that they would actually say who they are.
Just to reiterate, I am not saying that one lifestyle is better than the other. I am not saying that if you don't have kids you are not worthwhile. I am not saying that being a homemaker is the only way to go. It is simply a choice that I have made with my family and many of my friends have made with their families. However, I don't think that that one of the choices in this life: married or single, kids or no kids, stay-at-home mom, working mom, work-at-home mom are better than the others. It simply depends on you and what is best for your life and your family.
For me and my family, no other choice makes sense. Our family was simply not happy, at peace or not functioning well when I returned to work. I have recently decided to start an at home business. This works for my family because my schedule is flexible, and I am the boss. If I can't work one day, it is my decision to make. I do not have to get permission from a boss.
To the anonymous person who keeps commenting: I have meant no offense. I simply use this blog to share what God is doing in my life and the lives of my friends and family. I am sorry that this seems to bother you. All I can say is that God loves you very much. I also don't mind a difference of opinion from mine, but if you are going to have a difference of opinion don't be afraid to say who you are and stand up for your opinion. From the posts that you have left on my blog, I get the feeling that you have been deeply hurt. God can feel your pain, and He wants you to come to Him with your hurt, your sorrow, your broken dreams. His arms are opened wide to you.
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Steph honey,
You go girl! Don't take none a dat sass. When I is out wit my son Abraham and people be callin him bad words I jus pray ol' lawdy lawd why is dese people so disrepecful. Don't be takin no sass from no anonemous. The good lord will rain upon his judgement on thee. Oh praise the lawd.
At 6:46 AM,
Gal said…
I had the very same problem with my blog! For a while I always publicly posted to mean comments and posted an even meaner response (the hate mail was, afterall, mildly entertaining), but then I decided to moderate my comments so that I could post about what I wanted to say rather than allowing someone else to dominate the discussion!
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