Hello everyone!
I haven't posted in a long time, so there a few changes to report. The biggest change is that I have resigned from my job at Wells Fargo and returned home. The long hours (with the commute) took a bigger toll on my health than I had anticipated. It was affecting our family in many different areas. The amount of money that I was bringing home wasn't worth the stress and issues that it was creating. I am very happy to be at home. David and I are enjoying the summer. We are heading to the beach today to hang out with some friends from church. I am really excited about that!!
The other significant change is that without my pay we couldn't afford to send David to the private preschool at our church, Maranatha Christian Academy. However, we will still be having school because David loves to learn and enjoys school activities. I will be homeschooling him this fall so if anyone has any ideas they would like to share or good websites to refer me to please either post them on the blog or email me at gullandfamily@netzero.net. I know that a lot of the things that he has learned so far have come from life experiences and me taking cues from him about what he is interested in. I will continue to do that and don't plan on having too much structure as far as preschool is concerned. I am also thinking about joining the homeschool
co-op at our church, so David can get much needed interaction with other children. He also gets a lot of this from his class when we attend church. Plus, I have a friend whose son, Joshua, is one of David's favorite friends. She homeschools, so I plan on organizing some things with her as well so the boys can get together.
I hope to post more frequently now that I am at home. I look forward to hearing from all of you.
I haven't posted in a long time, so there a few changes to report. The biggest change is that I have resigned from my job at Wells Fargo and returned home. The long hours (with the commute) took a bigger toll on my health than I had anticipated. It was affecting our family in many different areas. The amount of money that I was bringing home wasn't worth the stress and issues that it was creating. I am very happy to be at home. David and I are enjoying the summer. We are heading to the beach today to hang out with some friends from church. I am really excited about that!!
The other significant change is that without my pay we couldn't afford to send David to the private preschool at our church, Maranatha Christian Academy. However, we will still be having school because David loves to learn and enjoys school activities. I will be homeschooling him this fall so if anyone has any ideas they would like to share or good websites to refer me to please either post them on the blog or email me at gullandfamily@netzero.net. I know that a lot of the things that he has learned so far have come from life experiences and me taking cues from him about what he is interested in. I will continue to do that and don't plan on having too much structure as far as preschool is concerned. I am also thinking about joining the homeschool
co-op at our church, so David can get much needed interaction with other children. He also gets a lot of this from his class when we attend church. Plus, I have a friend whose son, Joshua, is one of David's favorite friends. She homeschools, so I plan on organizing some things with her as well so the boys can get together.
I hope to post more frequently now that I am at home. I look forward to hearing from all of you.
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Girl, go ahead and do your thang. I have been home schooling my son Ezekiel since he was four. I find that letting God permeate your child's learning environment can be a very rewarding thing. For example, I taught my son Christian math. When I asked him what 5+5 was, he would have to respond "The Commandments". After asking him what 8+4 was, he would respond "The Disciples". Then we he becomes more comfortable with that, you can even throw in something like The Holy Trinity + The Deadly Sins (really 3+7) and your child should respond "The Commandments" (10). That's just the type of wholesome learning that the child wouldn't get elsewhere. Keep me updated on any other ideas you might have, because I could certainly use them! I must warn you though that once in a while I had to stray from the Christian path because Ezekiel would become bored with my teachings. He would say "The year the people who ruined 2Pac's legacy released Until The End Of Time - the year 2Pac released 2Pacalypse Now" and I would respond "dime bag". I guess at times you just have to keep it fresh for the little guys so they can relate it to their little thug world. Go on with yourself and holla back!
At 5:12 AM,
Steph said…
Laetitia -
Thank you for the encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. I would love to get your email address, so we can stay in touch that way. My email address is gullandfamily@netzero.net.
I have found a few more ideas on www.creativecorrection.com. It is a website written my Lisa Whechel (actress who played Blair on the facts of life). She has homeschooled her kids in the past. I have also requested some books from our local library to help me as well. I am actually getting quite excited about teaching David.
I am a three year old teacher at our church, and David always liked coming to class when I taught him. He even asked me last night if I was going to be his teacher at church even though I haven't taught him at church in almost six months. That sure warms the heart!!
Do you live in Minnesota?? How old is Ezekiel now? Do you have any other children?? Wow - I guess I am just full of questions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
At 7:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
We are very glad to see your comments and read what is going on. We do play a lot of phone tag, & we enjoy reading your blog. We are after all your parents!!!! Sometimes in this crazy world we just do not have matching hours and this helps us when we are up late at night to read. Of course we do talk a couple of times a week and we love all of you- Tell the Big guy and the Little guy hello froma Nana & Grandpa.
Your voice is reaching us again thru your blog and we love it!!!!!
lots of love,
Mom & Dad
At 1:46 AM,
Gina Marie said…
How old is David now? The best advice I keep going back to about homeschooling that I have learned from veteran educators is to just read to your kids like crazy. Of course it's good to teach them letters and numbers and all that, but the time reading does so much for learning. I remember that whenever I get nervous that I'm not teaching my kids all the right things. We spend a lot of time every day in great books and I'm sure it does more than I know.
At 6:21 AM,
Steph said…
Hey Gina!
Thanks for the advice. David will be four and half by the time we start school. We already read quite a bit every day, so we will continue to do that when we start school this fall.
I was just checking out your blogger profile. It says that you and Erik have been overseas for seven years now. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! It seems like just yesterday you guys were leaving to go to Asia.
Hope all is going well for you, Erik, and the kids. Are you guys relaxing? Have you had a chance to regroup yet?
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