The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

September 22, 2006

Control Journal for My Life

For those of you who haven't visited her website yet, I suggest you head over there after reading this post. You MUST visit It is AWESOME!!! Here is a testimonial sent to FlyLady entitled "Control Journal for My Life":

The other day I had a God Breeze which inspired me to write what I'll call the "Control Journal for My Life," and I wanted to share it with you all since much of it was inspired by FlyLady principles. (Steph here---many of the FlyLady principles seem to be based on biblical principles.) Thank you so much for all that you share with us!

Control Journal for My Life: Enjoy and improve my marriage, the "shiny sink" of our family. Cherish and enjoy my children. Listen to God's voice. Speak kindly to myself at all times. Catch & re-do if I slip. Give myself credit for everything I do. Allow myself and others to make mistakes. Take scrupulous care of my body with sleep, exercise, good food and water. Have a little fun every day. Nurture and enjoy my garden of friends. Celebrate how much I enjoy making a nice home for my family. Do not be ashamed. Forever be a mother to my children.

I thought that this was too good to not post and share with everyone. I hope that this post finds everyone doing well. I have found the emails that I get from FlyLady to be very inspirational as well as helpful in getting my house in order. I have also found that having my house in order has helped me to reduce the stress and increase the enjoyment and sense of fulfillment in my life!

Love to you all! Have a GREAT weekend!!


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