The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

September 15, 2006

Destruction of Families

Recently I have been more aware of Satan's constant attempts to destroy the family unit as God created it. There are several reasons for this that I do not feel right about disclosing. With my awareness of this, God helped me realize that I can have quite a ministry to young children or grown children dealing with divorce because I have been through both. My parents got divorced when I was ten years old. My dad got remarried when I was about thirteen or so. This marriage ended in divorce when I was twenty-three or so.

Now some of you reading this are probably a bit confused because I talk about visiting my parents. Well, here is the short version of the story. My biological mom, Jeanette, died when I was almost eleven years old. Since my dad's divorce when I was in my twenties, he has married a wonderful woman, Mary. Mary is the mom that I have been longing for since my mom died. I call Mary "mom" and love her so much. She has made a big difference in my life. Once I finally mourned the loss of my mom and not having the kind of mother my heart desired as I grew up, God brought Mary back into my dad's life. Mary was a family friend when I was growing up in Mississippi.

Now, back to the destruction and division in families. Satan has been against families since the beginning of time. Just look at Adam and Eve. Satan came between Adam and Eve when he tempted Eve to sin and Adam didn't use his God-given authority to help Eve to turn away from sin. The family unit as God created it is for a husband, a wife, and their kids.

Our nation has moved drastically away from our Judeo-Christian roots in the last fifty years. We, as Christians, must stand up for the truth as it is written in the Bible. Dr. James Dobson is coming to the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota for the Stand for the Family 2006 Rally. Please visit for more details. I encourage you to attend the rally. We must let our voice me heard! We must stand for biblical truth not fluff or church traditions.

With elections coming up this fall, we must make sure that we vote so our Christian voices are heard. We must vote according to Biblical truth. We need to stand with the candidates that represent these truths.

Please pray with me for the restoration of marriages and families. God has GREAT plans for our marriages and our families. He wants to use these relationships to bring blessing into lives. He longs to use our marriages and families to reach out to the lost. If Christians are getting divorces at the same rate or higher than the world, why would anyone who is not saved (who hasn't made and proclaimed Jesus as their Lord and Savior) why would they want to??

The Bible tells us in Romans 12: 1-3 New King James Version: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

We, as Christians, must read our Bibles on a daily basis so we are renewing our minds. We must live our lives based on the principles put forth in God's Word.



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