The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

September 15, 2006

War in Iraq

Why aren't we seeing these images on the evening news? Why aren't we seeing these images in the magazines such as Time and Newsweek?

While many of you out there may not agree with the war, I believe that the media is promoting an inaccurate picture of what is like over there. How many of us would be more encouraged if we saw these type of pictures on the news or in magazines? I know that the picture of the soldiers praying together touches my heart.

Ed and I have a dear friend who is over in Iraq right now. He has told us his perspective as a soldier who is actually over there. It is completely opposite from what we are seeing through our different media sources. As shown by the little boy giving the American soldier five and the smiles on their faces, the Iraqi people are happy and thankful to have us there.

I am not looking to promote a major debate on why the war is good and necessary or why it is wrong. If you want to debate, you are more than welcome to. However, I am simply looking to have a forum where people can see some images of what is REALLY happening in Iraq.


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