The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family
November 02, 2006
Announcing McKenzie Rose Keuning
Here is a picture of the proud mom, Melissa, holding her third child (but first girl!). McKenzie Rose was born on October 28th weighing six pounds and six ounces. She was nineteen inches long.
Both of her big brothers are very proud! Mom and baby are doing well!!
I am married to my best friend, Ed. We have been married since June of 1997. We had our one and only child, David, in February of 2002. It is such a joy and pleasure to be his mom.
I use to be a full-time homemaker. Now I am still a homemaker, but I also work part-time at a local before and after school program through the school district.
I am currently learning the art of taking care of myself. My favorite things to do to take care of myself are: reading a good book, scrapbooking, and taking long bubble baths. Wish I could say that one of my favorite things to do is work out. It isn't yet, but I am believing God that it will be!!!
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