What's Happening?
I have spent my first full week retired from nannying with getting organized, clearing out clutter, and cleaning. My major chore was tackling Mount Washmore (the approximately ten loads of laundry that I had been putting off doing). Procrastination is SO NOT a good thing! I am happy to say that using FlyLady's techniques and ideas that my house looks better than it has in months. For more information about FlyLady, visit http://www.flylady.net/.
I must admit that I feel much more peace in my household. Ed even commented to me that it was definitely a lot less stressful for him to come home to a clean home. I am glad that I have been able to help create a peaceful place in our home, so Ed can come home from work and unwind.
This weekend I am attending the 2007 Career Conference for Mary Kay at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Tonight was a lot of recognition of accomplishments. Even with all of the recognition, I took tons of pages of notes. I learned a lot tonight, and I know that I will learn a lot tomorrow in my workshops. I am looking forward to being able to really process the information on Sunday and into the beginning of next week.
Please leave a comment and let us know what is happening in your life. If you have any prayer requests, please either post them or email them to us at gulland@wh-link.net.
Love you all! I must head to bed because the alarm will be going off at 6:00 am tomorrow morning to get ready and head out the door to the final day of Career Conference 2007.
Labels: Conferences, FlyLady, Gulland Family Update, Mary Kay
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