To Spring Clean or Not to Spring Clean?
While I have NEVER spring cleaned in my life (and I never will have to thanks to FlyLady: for more information visit, the following article helped to change how I view cleaning. It was definitely an EYE-OPENER!!!
The Clean Truth (found at
by Brenda King
Cleaning is often viewed as something undesirable, a waste of an intelligent woman's time, and pure drudgery. In Philippians 4:8 we are told to entertain true, noble, and right thoughts. Is it true, noble, or right to despise the basic upkeep of a home, one of God's most precious gifts?
We have all been granted unique talents and preferences. Therefore, not everyone will fully enjoy the act of cleaning. Even those who say they enjoy cleaning, may have an aversion to certain aspects of it. But that in no way gives us the right to disrespect or minimize its importance.
It is our responsibility as homemakers to create a warm, comfortable environment within our own four walls, and that includes dealing with the inevitable dirt. There is nothing inferior about caring for our families, no matter how menial the task may seem. The Bible tells us, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). From this day forward, let's consider housecleaning to be a valuable service to our families, and a demonstration of thanksgiving to our gracious Heavenly Father.
About the Author: Brenda King is the director of, and homemaker and wife to Mike, her husband of 13 years. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, hiking, and working on the computer. The Kings live in Ohio.
The Clean Truth (found at
by Brenda King
Cleaning is often viewed as something undesirable, a waste of an intelligent woman's time, and pure drudgery. In Philippians 4:8 we are told to entertain true, noble, and right thoughts. Is it true, noble, or right to despise the basic upkeep of a home, one of God's most precious gifts?
We have all been granted unique talents and preferences. Therefore, not everyone will fully enjoy the act of cleaning. Even those who say they enjoy cleaning, may have an aversion to certain aspects of it. But that in no way gives us the right to disrespect or minimize its importance.
It is our responsibility as homemakers to create a warm, comfortable environment within our own four walls, and that includes dealing with the inevitable dirt. There is nothing inferior about caring for our families, no matter how menial the task may seem. The Bible tells us, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). From this day forward, let's consider housecleaning to be a valuable service to our families, and a demonstration of thanksgiving to our gracious Heavenly Father.
About the Author: Brenda King is the director of, and homemaker and wife to Mike, her husband of 13 years. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, hiking, and working on the computer. The Kings live in Ohio.
At 11:01 PM,
Cindy F said…
What a lovely way to look at housework. I must admit it's definitely *not* a favorite pastime of mine, but it helps to change one's outlook doesn't it?
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