The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

October 09, 2006

Twenty Free Gifts You Can Give

With the Christmas shopping seasons fast approaching (only 76 shopping days left), I thought that people would like to read about twenty free gifts they can give. Who doesn't like FREE is what I thought!! I found this list in Ellie Kay's book A Woman's Guide to Family Finances. This was a paraphrase by Ellie Kay. She originally found it in Chuck Swindoll's book The Finishing Touch.

  1. Fix broken fences by mending a quarrel.
  2. Seek out a friend you haven't seen in a while or who has been forgotten.
  3. Hug someone and whisper, "I love you."
  4. Forgive an enemy and pray for him or her.
  5. Be patient with an angry person.
  6. Express gratitude to someone in your world.
  7. Make a child smile.
  8. Find the time to keep a promise.
  9. Make or bake something for someone else --- anonymously.
  10. Speak kindly to a stranger and tell them a joke.
  11. Enter into another's sorrows and cut the pain in half.
  12. Smile. Laugh a little. Laugh a lot.
  13. Take a walk with a friend.
  14. Kneel down and pat a dog.
  15. Lessen your expectations of others.
  16. Apologize if you were wrong.
  17. Turn off the television and talk.
  18. Pray for someone who helped you when you hurt.
  19. Give a soft answer even though you feel strongly.
  20. Encourage an older person.



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