The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

March 21, 2008

Holy Week

This week is a special week on the Christian calendar. Today is Good Friday. The day that we commemorate Jesus' death on the cross. I am hoping to watch "The Passion" tonight after our Good Friday service at The River. If we don't watch it tonight, I would like to watch it tomorrow morning or tomorrow evening. I am not really sure about letting David watch it yet due to the graphic nature of the movie. He did just turn six, and he knows about what Jesus did on the cross. Yet, I am still hesitant. Please feel free to voice your opinion either by email: or post a comment.

I am currently taking a class at our church. The book we are using is called The Journey to Freedom. Before our Encounter Weekend next weekend, we have been focusing on the truth of the Gospel and the power of the cross. Now that I want to blog about it, I cannot find the book to reference from. :-( Another reason to clean up my bedroom! :-)

As we continue this week until Easter Sunday, remember that Jesus is not still on the cross. He was taken down from the cross and buried. However, that wasn't the end of the story. The rock was moved from the tomb where he was buried and the tomb was empty. Jesus was resurrected from the dead, and he is alive today!!! Jesus is sitting next to God the Father in heaven. Aren't you glad that we serve a God who is so powerful?

Praying that everyone experiences resurrection power this week in every area of their lives!

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