The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

August 06, 2005

Family Update

Stephanie and Jessica smile for the camera. We were aboard the boat where Chris and Jessica got married on October 30, 2004.

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Chris and Jessica live in League City, Texas. We had a GREAT time with them at their wedding. Chris wasn't feeling the greatest, but he sure was a trooper! Our entire family was down there (Dad, Mary, Travis, Dawn, and Chris). Yes, I have two brother-in-laws named Chris (Chris McNabb is Dawn's husband). Travis and Dawn are new to our family thanks to the marriage of my dad to their mom, Mary four years ago in July. I love being part of a bigger family! Mary has been AWESOME! Since my mom died when I was ten, I have always longed for a close mother/daughter relationship. I am so thankful to God for bringing Mary back into our lives because I now have that mother/daughter relationship that I longed for. She was a family friend of ours when I was growing up in Mississippi. Dawn and Travis are GREAT too! They have beenwonderful about sharing their mom with me and Jessica. Dawn and Chris had a beautiful little girl, Addison, in November of last year. Travis has a little boy, Alex, who will be four in September. I love being an AUNTIE! I miss my family! They all live in Mississippi. I haven't been down there since May, so I need to get there soon for my AUNTIE fix!

August 04, 2005


Future baseball star, David Gulland, practicing his swing with Papa Jimmy.
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This picture is from the 4th of July weekend this year. We spent a long weekend in Iowa City visiting Ed's dad. It was VERY NICE AND RELAXING! We even took David to the fireworks this year. He stayed awake until we started pushing him back to the car in the stroller. Once he started moving, he was OUT!

David is quite the little traveler. He enjoys going for visits to all of his grandparents' homes, and he has yet to understand the concept of distance. He thinks that we can just get in the car to get to Nana and Grandpa's house in Mississippi as easily as we make the hour drive to Grandpa Roger and Grandma Lois' house.

As you can see from the picture, David is getting to be a very BIG boy! He has also graduated to underwear now. In fact, we have now gone over a week without any accidents. This is something that I am BEYOND EXCITED about.

I have been inspired by several of my friends who are bloggers. Hopefully I can keep this updated more frequently now with updates and pictures. I have the picture thing figured out now so this should be a breeze.