New Addition to the Gulland Family!

For David's birthday this year (which isn't until February 26th), we (or more like Ed) took him to a pet store. David got to pick out a kitten. He picked out a cute, black and white domestic short hair. She is a lot of FUN and is really good with David (translation=she tolerates him chasing and carrying her all over the house). David named her Lucy, so I finally have another girl in the family!!! :-)
Outside of the addition of the kitty, our life has been pretty uneventful! My return to work has been very positive. The transition from being a stay-at-home mom to a working mom went very well. David loves going to Kristin's house and often asks on the weekends about her and her family. He wants to know when he gets to go back there as well. :-) He has grown up a lot in the last month of going to Kristin's. He gets himself dressed on his own now (which we suspected he could do before, but he just wouldn't!). Kristin didn't know that he couldn't or wouldn't get himself dressed, so she just asked him to get dressed one morning and he promptly went off to complete the task!
Ed is working on completing his MBA at Augsburg College. He will be graduate this December. While the time doesn't always seem to be going so fast, it really is! The program is going to be done before he knows it. Please pray for our family as Ed completes his MBA. Pray that we would have patience with one another and understanding that Ed needs to work on his homework. Also, please pray for physical strength for Ed as he often stays up late during the week to get things done for class and then has to get up early for work.
We look forward to hearing from everyone about their lives and what their families have been up to. You can either post a comment on our blog or send us an email at