It is probably difficult for you to read the copy underneath the picture, so I have reproduced it here.
Photo Courtesy of David W. Gilmore Jr./U.S. Air Force
Underneath the Title "Comforting Embrace" it reads as follows:
Air Force Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, of the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group at Balad, Iraq, cradles a young girl as they both sleep in the hospital. The girl's entire family was executed by insurgents; the killers shot her in the head as well. The girl received treatment at the U.S. military hospital in Balad, but cries and moans often. According to nurses at the facility, Gebhardt is the only one who can calm down the girl, so he has spent the last several nights holding her while they both sleep in a chair.
I think it is amazing what our troops are doing over there. Why are these pictures and stories on the news? If you are looking for a soldier to adopt over the holidays, check out the website
www.anysoldier.com. It lists soldiers and what they are in need of. Please continue to keep the soldiers and their families in your prayers as we head into this holiday season. Also, continue to pray Psalm 91 over the soldiers and their families. Pray and believe for their safe return home!
Finally, remember to thank a veteran. Tomorrow, November 11th is Veteran's Day. This federal holiday was created to honor military veterans. Why don't you pick up some small American flags and head over to the local VA Hospital to personally tell some veterans thank you?
Lets show our soldiers and our veterans how much we appreciate the sacrifices they have made and the fighting that they have and continue to do to protect us and our freedoms!
Let freedom ring!
Labels: Veteran's Day, War in Iraq