C - Come! Quit stewing about your problem and come to the Lord in prayer!
A - Acknowledge that you are weak and need His help.
R - Repent for not trusting God's love for you, even when things seem out of control.
E - Exchange thoughts about your problems with thoughts about God's care for you.
S - Stand on the truth of God's Word. He is might, awesome, & won't abandon you!
This was in a hand out that I picked up our church, The River. I thought that it was so AWESOME that I just had to share. The following from Pray! Magazine, Issue 37, pp. 25-26 was also in the handout:
"Have you ever carried a heavy purse, or backpack full of all the 'stuff' you need for the day? Sometimes we also carry heavy loads of feelings, troubles, and worries, and it saps our energy and joy. God wants you to know that it's okay to bring all those feelings and needs to Him. You can pour out your heart! You don't have to put on a happy face when you pray. You can tell God even when you're really angry, afraid, or sad. So lighten the load! Ask God for His help, and two great things happen. His peace will fill your heart and
de-stress your mind. Your prayers will pave the way for God to work out an answer to your situation."
Labels: Acronym, Faith, God, The River, Words to Live By