The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

February 26, 2007

Update --- Finally

Hello everyone!

This is going to be a VERY quick update because I am crunched for time. Here is the UPDATE: First and foremost, Ed is done with school. YAHOO!!!! We haven't really celebrated yet though. I don't think Ed will really be up for celebrating until he has a new job. Please keep his job search in your prayers. Pray that God would give Ed wisdom in where to spend the time applying. Also, he recently applied for a job that he would LOVE to have. Pray that God would open the door for him. He has been down because he hasn't gotten any interviews. I know that God has the perfect job for him, but it will be in His timing and not ours. Second, I am still nannying. The three kids are ages 7, 5, and 4. They are a lot of FUN! However, they keep me SUPER busy. I have the four year old all day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The other two I only have after school Mondays through Fridays. It requires me to be a lot more organized and stay on top of my routines Finally, I am working on treating 30 women to a facial in 30 days. I am taking on a challenge from my director with Mary Kay. I have one facial scheduled with one friend. Only 29 more to go!!! I am really looking forward to completing this challenge because it will be GREAT training for me!!!

Hope to start posting again more frequently! Thanks for those of you who emailed me to see what was up. My life has just been TOO full to take the time to blog. I hope to start doing it again though because it is really therapeutic for me!!!

I want to leave you with the words that I am focusing on for this year: "Progress not perfection in 2007." This is from one of my FlyLady emails. Check out her website at

Love to you all!!!

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