My Friend Could Use Your Help

Bekah could really use our help! She needs to raise $1000 by the end of this month. We both know that God is well able to provide the money because he does not call you and then not equip you with what you need.
Bekah is a total Jesus Freak!!! She is on fire for the Lord. It is FABULOUS to see a teenager who is completely sold out to Jesus. She also LOVES coffee (but not more than she loves Jesus, of course!)
If you would be able to help Bekah out, please email me and I will send you the information that you need to either mail in a check or donate online. If we all work together and follow the leading of the Lord, Bekah will have $1000 in no time. Joyce Meyer has often said that if we would each do our part, no matter how little, it will all come together.
I know that I have personally donated to Bekah. At first I thought, oh, it is only $15. What difference will it do? Maybe I just won't donate. Then I started thinking about how excited my son gets to give his handful of change in his class. I know that all the handfuls of change add up to a significant amount of money. This inspired me to give!
Just think, it would only take 67 people each donating $15 to reach Bekah's goal. $15 is the cost of a CD or a pizza. Could you give that up this week to help send Bekah to Thailand to reach a dying world with the saving hope and knowledge of Jesus Christ? It would only take 40 people giving $25 each to reach her goal. See how light the work is when we all work together!!!
Please consider giving whatever amount the Lord puts on your heart to help Bekah out.
If you know of other people who would be interested in helping out Bekah, please have them visit my website at to read this post about Bekah and her trip.
Please call me at 763-565-0606 or email me at to get Bekah's missionary id to donate online. I also have a mailing address if you would rather send in a check. Let's work together for the spreading of the gospel!
Labels: Bekah, Mission Trips, Teen Mania, Thailand