The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

May 04, 2007

Congratulations Molly & Marissa!

Here are my cousins' kids, Molly and Marissa, at the 4-H fair with their ribbons and their swine. That is the correct elegant word for pig, right? I cannot think straight right now. It is almost midnight, and I probably should be in bed instead of posting pictures on my blog. However, I wanted to make sure that I gave them props for the AWESOME job that they did and congratulate them on their ribbons.

Molly and Marissa live in Arizona. They are on my mom's side of the family. I met them for the first time a few years back (I think it was three years ago, but I cannot remember). They are the sweetest girls ever, and David absolutely adored them. For weeks and possibly even months on end after we spent time with them, David would talk about them and ask if they were coming over to play with him. At that time, he didn't understand the concept of distance and the whole idea of people living in different states.

Congratulations again girls and hopefully I will see you either this summer or next winter (I hope to make a trip to Arizona when it is FREEZING here in Minnesota!)


May 02, 2007

Welcome Baby Christopher!

My cousin, Stacey, and her husband, Brad, have added to their family. Christopher Will Maller was born on Friday, April 27th at 4:30 pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Everyone is doing well.

Congratulations Stacey & Brad! Your new addition is very handsome. He is a good addition to the cutie that you have in Sydney.


Do You Think This is Me?

You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.


April 29, 2007

Renew Your Spirit

Happy Sunday to everyone!

Today in FlyLady's system is a day she calls "Renew Your Spirit." I just had an "aha" moment thanks to an email she sent. I was thinking that renewing your spirit simply involved going to church and spending time doing spiritual things such as reading your Bible, praying, worshipping the Lord, and so on. FlyLady sent out a list today of some ideas on how to renew your spirit. Here is her list:

1. Go to church
2. Listen to wonderful music that you don't hear often.
3. Watch a movie that you love.
4. Read a book.
5. Go for a walk or hike.
6. Sit quietly in your favorite chair with your eyes closed.
7. Take an extra long bubble bath or shower by candle light.
8. Make a pot of soup for supper and let it simmer all day in the slow cooker while you relax.
9. Take a nap.
10. Go for a drive.
11. Turn off your phones.
12. Sit outside and listen to the birds.
13. Take your dog for a walk.
14. Curl up on the couch with a magazine.
15. Build a fire or light a candle.
16. Do the crossword puzzle.

This was such a revelation for me. I started to think of my own list that would renew my spirit. I would include everything from her list except walking the dog and doing the crossword, and I would add the following:

1. Scrapbook.
2. Coffee with a friend I haven't seen in a long time.
3. Journal.
4. Sudoku Puzzles.

What is on your list for activities that renew your spirit? When you renew your spirit, it helps you to keep your peace. As FlyLady said in her email, "Peace is Contagious." For more information regarding FlyLady and her AWESOME system that helps you learn how to FLY (Finally Loving Yourself), please visit

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