The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

November 28, 2006

Revive Us, Oh Lord!

"Many also of those who were now believers came making full confession and thoroughly exposing their [former deceptive and evil] practices. And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] burned them in the sight of everybody. When they counted the value of them, they found it amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver (about $9,300). Thus the Word of the Lord [concerning the attainment through Christ of eternal salvation in the kingdom of God] grew and spread and intensified, prevailing mightily." Acts 19:18-20 Amplified Bible

This is my fresh manna verse for this morning (focusing more on verse 20), but the next part I am about to share wouldn't have made senses without verses 18 and 19. This was shared in Pastor Lynne Hammond and Ray Kelly's prayer session yesterday morning: "The people threw their books about magic on the fire. What is it that we need to throw on the fire today? What is in the way of revival taking place in the church? Revival starts with us individually. If we are not moved to do anything different, how will revival take place in the church? "

This is a very striking question that I will have to bring before the Lord and really listen to my spirit to hear what he has to say. I know that in recent years the Lord has really been dealing with me about the type of television programming and movies I watch. I use to watch soap operas thinking that it wasn't that big of a deal. However, before I knew it, I was sucked in and was spending three hours a day on the couch watching television, ignoring my son, and ignoring what I needed to do around the house. While I must admit that I watched some of them on Friday (because I wasn't feeling good and laying in bed), I can also freely admit that my time could have been better spent. Fortunately for me, the bondage has been broken because before if I had watched them on one day when I was sick, I would continue to watch them. I didn't watch them yesterday and do not have any plans or intentions to watch them this week. God has MUCH BIGGER things for me to do with my time!

Now listen, I am not saying that you cannot watch television. Trust me, I still watch television and movies. I am simply a lot more selective with what I put in my eyes and ears because these are the gateways to our spirit. I just know what the Holy Ghost has spoken to my heart regarding what I watch, hear, and who I hang out with, so I can continue to grow in the Lord and be fruitful in my walk with Him. We must each listen to the Holy Ghost regarding areas of our lives where there is not clear direction in the Bible. This is how we grow up in God!!!

What do you individually need to throw on the fire so you can experience revival in your life: your walk with God, your marriage, your relationships, your ministry? Please share in the comments section if you feel comfortable. Otherwise, if you would like to share, but don't want everyone to see it, please send it to me via email at

I love you all and am glad that we are on our journey with Jesus together!

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November 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Shana!

I would like to wish Shana a very happy birthday! I wish that I had a picture of her to post on here of the look on her face. Her husband, Ron, planned a last minute surprise party for Shana. They drove home today from Ohio. Ron let us in through the back door of their porch. We all hid in their living room. I have no idea how he got Shana to come into the living room, but we all jumped up and yelled surprise. I think we scared her half to death!!! It was AWESOME to reconnect with friends from our Heirs Together group that we first attended about three years ago. It was really a fun and refreshing time!



Only 27 Shopping Days Until Christmas!

I received an email from Northwestern Christian Bookstore announcing to me that there are only 27 shopping days until Christmas. Every other year, I would be FREAKING out right now and wondering which way was up. Thankfully we have simplified the holidays quite a bit in several different ways. First, I pick up presents throughout the year so I am not having to do everything in December. Second, I do not pressure myself to send out a Christmas card to every single person I have in my address book. While ideally I would like to get a Christmas letter out, I don't pressure myself to do it. Sometimes we send out a New Year's letter. :-) It isn't so much about the timing, but just communicated our love with everyone. Third, I DO NOT feel guilty if I do not make any Christmas goodies. There are always plenty at get togethers or there are always store bought ones!!! Fourth, if I do make Christmas goodies, I plan for what I can handle. Do I want a HUGE mess and a lot of time commitment, or do I want quick and simple with minimal clean-up involved. Finally, the biggest thing that has helped me with the holidays this year is FlyLady. For more information, please visit her website at

With only 27 shopping days left until Christmas, let me remind you that I can help with your gift giving needs. I love putting together gift baskets. We can make a themed gift basket (coffee, chocolate, beauty, you name it, I can probably do it). I can put together gift baskets with or without Mary Kay goodies inside. Call me 763-565-0606 or email me at to discuss further. I love forward to being of service this holiday season and helping to bring a smile to your loved ones face!

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