The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

December 09, 2006

Elf Yourself

You have to check these out.

David and I made them this afternoon after receiving the information from my friend, Bekah. Bekah attends The Orchard in Aurora, Illinois. This is the church that Scott and Amanda pastor. Bekah and I have been getting to know each other through our blogs and email. She is a very impressive gal!

You can visit Bekah's blog at

Also, if you want to check out Scott's elf dance, go here:

I hope that you enjoy this and have a good laugh.

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December 08, 2006

I Wish I Knew How to Use Our Video Camera

Hey everyone!

I wish I knew how to use our video camera and also how to post video to my blog. It was SO FUNNY! Michael, the youngest boy that I nanny, slept over last night. Him and David each found one of David's Hawkeyes' cheering toys (better known as pom-poms but it doesn't sound too manly). Both Michael and David were shaking their toys and saying "Go, Hawkeyes, Go!" They said this repeatedly. Papa Jimmy would have been so proud that these two Minnesotans were cheering for the Hawkeyes instead of the Gophers!!!

Love to you all!

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December 07, 2006

Pictures of Isabel Christine

I got the chance to visit Isabel in the hospital. She is simply precious!
Ben, Amy, and Isabel are all home now. They are doing very well!
I am looking forward to watching Ben and Amy grow as parents as well as watching Isabel grow up as a princess of the King of Kings. :-)


December 04, 2006

Isabel Christine Makes Her Debut!

Here is what Ben & Amy's blog had to say about her birth:

ISABEL HAS ARRIVED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Isabel Christine Brand arrived early this morning at 1:58AM on Dec 4th of 2006!

I was born in Maplewood, MN at St. Johns Hospital. I am 7 lbs 7.5 oz------19.25 inches long(I'll lose my conehead hopefully by tomorrow.) My hair color is undecided....might be dark...may be light...hard to tell. My eyes are big and beautiful like mommies. I'm not sure who I look like yet, but mommy thinks I look like daddy. I have 2 chubby cheekers too...

I am very content and healthy at this point. Visitation hours and pictures will be sent later today(stay tuned via email)....

I need some sleepy and so do daddy and mommy...

Please keep Ben, Amy, & Isabel in your prayers. Pray for the family's transition as they move from being a couple to being a three person family. Ben & Amy are very excited that Isabel has arrived. Her expected due date was on November 30th, so they were highly anticipating her birth since Amy was past her due date.


Me & My Boy

Can you believe how big David has gotten? He currently weighs in at 42 pounds and is over 3 1/2 feet tall. I cannot believe how quickly he is growing not only physically, but also emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.

My favorite thing that he says right now is when he doesn't want me to do something he says, "Mom, if you do _____ I am not going to appreciate it."

His favorite things to do right now are read, draw (he is quite the artist), and do math problems. I got him a math workbook that he is absolutely LOVING! He actually tells me that he wants to work on his school work. That is SO MUCH FUN FOR ME!!!

My friend, Sommer, and I just took her boy, A.J., David, and Michael (the youngest boy I nanny for) to the Macy's display on the 8th floor of Mary Poppins. It was really quite enjoyable. It would have been even more fun if the boys would have let me read the captions to them! Afterwards, we met Ed at one of the food courts and went out for lunch. We had a really good time! Thanks Sommer and A.J. for a great day!

Now we are back home. Michael is napping, and David is playing quietly in his room. I really should be doing the dishes, but blogging sounded like so much more fun!!! :-) Plus, I don't want to wake up Michael! ;-)

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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