The Gulland Family Update

The Latest Breaking News and Random Thoughts from the Gulland Family

July 19, 2006

What Do You Think My Face Says?

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as driven and ambitious.

Overall, your true self is creative and expressive.

With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic.

My face, according to the short quiz I took at the above link, describes me pretty well, I think. I don't think that the stressful situation answer is correct, but maybe I do seem cheerful and optimistic (when it is stressful home situations and not an office situation). :-) Isn't that crazy how I react differently to a situation at home or with my family and friends versus a situation in the corporate world?
Speaking of the corporate world, I don't know that I am cut out for that environment any more. After my brief stint at Wells Fargo, I just don't think that the corporate world is for me. It worked earlier in my career right after college, but I don't really seem to fit in there any more. Ed read a book for one of his MBA classes, and it talked about "being in the flow." I need to find it and read it to really understand what "being in the flow" means so I can make wiser career choices next time. All I know is that the corporate scene is DEFINITELY not my flow!!!

July 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Ed and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary on June 14th. However, we didn't actually do anything until this past weekend. My mother-in-law, Lois, and her husband, Roger, blessed us with an evening at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud. We went up to their house on Saturday afternoon for lunch. After lunch, we left David with them and headed in to St. Cloud. We did a little shopping at the mall. Ed actually bought a new watch! The watch he was wearing is the watch I bought him for Christmas in 1995. After the mall, we headed to the movies. We went and saw Superman Returns. It was AWESOME!! The ending begs for a sequel though. Finally, we headed to our hotel. It was nice to just be a couple and not have a munchkin saying "Mom" or "Dad" every five minutes!!

David had a nice time with Grandma and Grandpa. He helped Grandma make Rice Krispy Bars which he calls "Krispies." He ran through the sprinkler in their backyard which caused Grandma and Grandpa to laugh very hard. I think that he even played a little baseball with Grandpa.

Hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the summer. Today is actually the first day that I have had our windows opened in a long time. It has been in the 90's for quite a while. It was only 63 degrees this morning, so I decided a little fresh air was in order. Take care and let me know what you all are doing to "BEAT THE HEAT!"